Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My last Political Post, I promise!


Obama and Biden released a plan for improving the United States standing in the sciences. As avid readers of my various blogs know, I was somewhat hesitant about supporting Obama back in the primaries due to his statement of cutting funding to NASA(he has since rescinded this position). America is not producing scientists or engineers of world class quality, rather those people are coming here. But that will not always be the case, as demonstrated by the Hadron Collidor that was constructed in Europe. There will be a time in the future when other countries are more attractive to the science community. That is why I find education, and in particular, science education, to be the most important issue of this or any political race.

The released plan is summarised as such:

• Restoring integrity to U.S. science policy to ensure that decisions that can be informed by science are made on the basis of the strongest possible evidence.

• Doubling over a 10 year period the federal investment in basic research by key science agencies, with a special emphasis on supporting young researchers at the beginning of their careers, and backing high-risk, high-return research.

• Making a national commitment to science education and training by recruiting some of America’s best minds to teach K-12 math and science and by tripling the number of the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowships.

• Encouraging American innovation to flourish by making the R&D tax credit permanent, streamlining our patent system, eliminating the capital gains tax on start-ups and small businesses, and promoting the deployment of next-generation broadband networks.

• Addressing the “grand challenges” of the 21st century through accelerating the transition to a lowcarbon, oil-free economy, enabling all Americans to live longer and healthier lives, and protecting our country from emerging threats to our national security.
--Taken from the introduction to the linked article

I recommend everyone go read it, it only makes me feel better about the upcoming vote on Nov. 4th.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

McCain hates planetariums

Watching last night's "Town Hall" style debate, I was struck by McCain's distaste for providing city children an updated solar system project for the Chicago Planetarium.

As America falls further and further behind the rest of the world in math and science, do we want a president that is willing to spend billions of dollars a year on a war with no end, but is going to withhold the splendor of the universe to inner city kids? Kids that probably can't even see the stars in the city?
