Wednesday, October 8, 2008

McCain hates planetariums

Watching last night's "Town Hall" style debate, I was struck by McCain's distaste for providing city children an updated solar system project for the Chicago Planetarium.

As America falls further and further behind the rest of the world in math and science, do we want a president that is willing to spend billions of dollars a year on a war with no end, but is going to withhold the splendor of the universe to inner city kids? Kids that probably can't even see the stars in the city?



Noël said...

I find your excuse here, of preserving inner city children's education, somewhat manipulative. I would refer you to your myspace blog entry:

There, you clearly outline that these arenas of science are endeared personal interests, even at the possible expense of rebuilding public school systems.

That's crazy.

Noël said...

And here is the link!
Blog entry

Paris said...

You've lost me. In my previous blog I explained that I do not believe that improving science education can be done by eliminating science organizations which perform research, and spread scientific knowledge and curiosity among the public.

I see nothing in this post that conflics with that view. Perhaps you misread one of the posts.

Tara said...

I don't really care about what Noel's saying, but I agree with you Paris. Things like that make me soo sad, almost as sad as the library in Grants Pass being closed down. people are pathetic. it should not be so difficult for people to be exposed to that beauty you speak of. Beauty of the worlds in books, and the unknown in space.